Woods Road, Peckham, London

Woods Road, Peckham, London

Woods Road, Peckham

  • Location: Peckham
  • Client: Crest Nicholson – London

About This Development

Redevelopment of the former Tuke School site to provide 122 residential units fronting Woods Road and Cossall Park.

Apartment Buildings ranging from 4-7 storeys high, a new 2-storey building at the rear of the site and provision of car parking, cycle parking and amenity space.

Site Location


Formerly 100% impermeable, it’s reduction 66% was not enough to meet Sustainability targets for London Developments, with more enhancements required.

There was limited space for Surface Water attenuation once provision was made for incoming utilities, existing and proposed trees, as well as accommodating construction issues such as crane bases and material storage.

Soft Landscaping was an essential Planning element to the sites’ regeneration, and could not be compromised by the engineering and transport needs for the scheme.


Although Infiltration design would not work due to soil conditions, lined permeable paving was designed to accommodate attenuation storage prior to discharge to the local sewers.

Brown Roofs were utilised, which significantly reduced the required below ground attenuation volumes by delaying roof runoff during short duration critical storm events.

The hard landscaping proposed was to provide a high specification finish, so careful and detailed construction detailing was required.

Levels around retained protected trees were designed to meet both tree protection requirements as well as Building Regulations criteria.

25th April 2017